“Islands, linked by a shared sea. Currents, coastlines, boats, marine life, captains, fishers, and boatbuilders: a network of interacting forces, extending into the past and future. Archipelago Network presents the rich and multifaceted maritime traditions of the Cyclades through the multimedia exhibition Crafts of the Sea. The exhibition traces interconnections between these maritime communities of past and present, through archival material and contemporary photographic, sonic, and audiovisual documentation. Highlighting the concurrent value and precarity of wooden boatbuilding, fishing, and seafaring communities in the region, the multimedia exhibition “Crafts of the Sea” in invites the public to reorient their senses towards a future seen with, and from, the sea.”— Archpelago Network
We are glad to see the typefaces we crafted for Archipelago Network inspired by boats, ports and harbor environments being returned to the public space in form of “Crafts of the Sea” an exhibition networked between Amorgos and Athens, dreaming we are taking part of network that we don’t know yet.