Fly, Robin, Fly: castrato singers, voices & gender politics
Queering the book format is a never correctly secured Typical question. Try castrating the book firstly. Lets have different reading directions, swop lows for highs, turn, fly, cut, cut-up again, also be normative, be Typical, reverse the norm after but not completely, just enough to see its counter form, just enough to fly, try to be correct in making errors. Open the spine, fly, yes add some transparency, try to think of the other side of the pages. Republish unpublish.
une collaboration de
Mecenes Du Sud x sun/sun editionssous la direction de
Nils Alix-Tabelingédition Céline Pévrier
textes de Nils Alix-Tabeling, Nahema Hanafi, Damien Delille, Raphaëlle Legrand, Caroline Honorien, James Horton, Daria de Beauvais, Laure Mathieu-Hanen, Matthew McLean. Poèmes de Tiziana La Melia mis en page par Roxane Maillet
images des œuvres de Mélissa Airaudi, Mark Barker, Vanessa Disler, Justin Fitzpatrick, Namio Harukawa, Tiziana La Melia, Maria Lassnig, Marie Legros, Tai Shani et Alison YipIllustrations
Lisa Schittulliphotographies d’exposition
Elise Ortiou Campionphotogravure
Fausto Urruprinting & photography
the future format304 pages
12 x 18 cm
600 exemplaires