A cinematic cutting throughout the body of works constituted by the publishing house sun/sun. The film is formulated in the chaos of the current context between dystopian insertion and invention. What is the memory, which conservation? Which forms are to be transmitted, how to transmit? What types of relationships do you have, or do you want? How do we transcend the tempo, how do we express ourselves in the rhymes of today? Autopsy is a poetic examination moving from the ‘cadavre exquis‘ to the Greek etymology of autopsy : ‘αὐτοψία — to see by yourself”. The bodily fluids of this film are driven from the works of the ‘auteurs’ and the hybrid operations the house conducting. Those substances are placed in an associative relation making sensible a constellation that is about to happen and never happens in the same time.
After an a idea of sun/sun in dialogue with Typical Organization
Film editing by Joshua Olsthoorn
With the sun/sun archives and their collaborators
Produced by sun/sun co-produced by Institut Français de Grèce